MUSC 105


Unit 3, Feb. 16-Mar. 1

Introduction to Unit 3

Unit Objectives


A TU Violinist

Course Materials (Feb. 16)

LECTURE: Rhythm, "We Will Rock You" (8 min.) player (cc, searchable) | mp4 | wmv (cc) | transcript

MUSIC: "We Will Rock You" by Queen Youtube

LECTURE: How Music Makes Sense, part 1 (10 min.) Use the worksheet in Journal 3 while viewing the video: template. (right click, download and open file)
player (cc, searchable) | mp4transcript

LECTURE: Reading Notes and Rests. player (cc, searchable) | mp4 | wmv (cc) | transcript

Note Lengths in Written Music. Music Fundamentals 2, Chapter 1.

Rest Lengths in Written Music. Music Fundamentals 2, Chapter 2.

Dots, Ties, and Borrowed Divisions. Music Fundamentals 2, Chapter 3. Read the first part only. I will not test on borrowed divisions in this course. 

LECTURE: Placement of Rests (2 min.) player (cc, searchable) | mp4 | wmv (cc) | transcript

Chapter on Duration ( draft)

Note Duration ( | Note Values (

Values shorter than a beat ( | 8th and 16th notes (

Rests ( | Rests ( |
8th and 6th rests

Dots and Ties ( | Dotted notes (

Assignment (Feb. 22)

Journal 3 (Report 1) (U3.2) Use this template.

Course Materials (Feb. 23)

Rhythm. Music Fundamentals 2, Chapter 4.

LECTURE: Rhythm and Meter (9 min.) player (cc and searchable) | mp4 | Windows Media (cc) | transcript This video further explains the reading on rhythm above.

MUSIC: Ray Charles "What'd I Say?" YouTube | copy: player | mp4

Time Signature (theoria)

Syncopation (theoria) | Syncopation (Music Theory Academy)

Help improve the course: Use this anonymous form to suggest improvements to Dr. Ewell. Form link

Assignment (Mar. 1)

Journal 4 (Post 2) (U3.2) Use this template.

Melissa Kramer's Composition, (Download the file and open in MuseScore) KramerMelissa_Comp0.mscz

Here is the chord chart, which you will use to match melody notes with the harmony:

chord chart

Organizing your personal Dropbox folder

Please see this webpage for where to place new files, old files, and screen shots of your tests and exams.

REVIEW LECTURE: Viewing Dr. Ewell's comments on your papers:
Webpage | Video:  player (searchable, cc) | mp4 | wmv 

header graphic from:
Copyright 2018-2024 by Terry B. Ewell.