MUSC 105


Unit 7, Apr. 26-May 09

Introduction to Unit 7

Unit Objectives

Bassoon in Orchestra

Bassoons in the TU Orchestra

Course Materials (Apr. 26)

LECTURE: The Textures of Music (10 1/2 min.) player (cc and searchable) | mp4 | wmv (cc) | transcript | summary
The music discussed in this video is linked below.

Music presented in the lecture (optional listening):

Additional music to study. Required, listen to each:

 "Bring Him Home" YouTube | Copies: player | mp4  Notice how this is almost entirely homophonic: a solo voice with accompaniment that supports it. There is only rarely a second independent melody in the bass.

MUSIC: "One Day More" YouTube | Copies: player | mp4   This has lots of polyphony. Notice that there are many times when more than one voice is singing at the same time. They are not singing the same melody, rather they have independent parts.

Styles in Music

GUEST LECTURE: Background of "When the Saints Go Marching In" by Wynton Marsalis. Link | copies flash | mp4

Videos for Post 3 and Test 5 

One melody that has seen multiple settings in the USA is "When the Saints Go Marching In." The song is often referred to as "The Saints." This was a United States gospel hymn composed in 1896 by Katharine Purvis (lyrics) and James Milton Black (music). Often the tune was used as a dirge, played slowly for a funeral procession. Then after the internment the melody was performed in the familiar, quicker Dixieland style.

The four videos here present different versions of that gospel tune. The way in which the melody is performed receives differing instrumentation, interpretations, and as a result they each present different styles of music.

Video 1 youtube (5 min.)| Player | mp4 | wmv .  Louis Armstrong widely performed the melody throughout the world. This video is taken from a 1961 television broadcast. The female vocalist often is more like another instrument--she doesn't use words in many places.

Video 2 youtube (3 min.)| Player | mp4 | wmv. Danny Kaye and Louis Armstrong are featured in this version from the movie The Five Pennies, 1959. Focus your attention on the first and last part of the video. Listen to the improvisations by the vocalists and the accompaniment.

Video 3 YouTube link broken. (includes Armstrong intro, 3 min.)| Player  | mp4 | wmv. James Brown is featured in this 1980 film Blues Brothers. This video makes overt references to religious contexts (video clips of a church setting and a funeral procession). Here the mix of styles is quite extraordinary. How does Brown achieve this mix of traditions?

Video 4 youtube (3 min.)| Player  | mp4 | wmv. Much is not available about the musicians in this video (produced Oct. 2010) other than the little information found on the web. Greg Howlett is a Christian concert pianist living in Georgia. Similar to Video 3, it appears that this is also presented in a church.

Review Quiz for Test 5. This quiz may be taken as many times as you like. This is a quiz just on the textures and meter portion of Test 5. Review your notes for Post 3 for questions on "When the Saints." Quizzes do not count towards your course grade. Quiz 1 link | Quiz 2 link
Help improve the course: Use this anonymous form to suggest improvements to Dr. Ewell. Form link

Assignments (May 2)

Journal 10 (Post 3). U7.5 Use this template.

Test 5 on Aesthetics (U7.2-3)

Test on Aesthetics materials. This test is on materials for "When the Saints Go Marching In," simple and compound meters, and musical textures. Have your Post 3 information ready for this test. Test 5 link

Assignments (May 11)

Review common mistakes in student analyses.

Journal 11 (Analysis 2, On Composition 2) (U7.4) Use this template.

Viewing Dr. Ewell's comments on your papers:

Webpage | Video:  player (searchable, cc) | mp4 | wmv

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