MUSC 105


Unit 7 Introduction

In this unit you will learn about musical textures and further hone your listening skills.

The video on different versions of "When the Saints" applies listening and descriptive skills. Arrangements of the same melody can sound dramatically different depending upon the tempo, harmonization, and instrumentation. Each composition is a "cultural artifact." Much as a tool discovered by archeologists will yield information about a culture, so too a musical song provides insights into musical traditions of people at a certain time.

Consider what your choices of music indicate about your lifestyle. Do you choose music that relaxes you or music that "pumps you up?" Do your musical choices differ with the activity? For instance, one might choose music with a fast beat for exercising but in contrast one might select music with a slower tempo for a romantic dinner. Is the music you choose strictly "utilitarian," that is used for its effect on your mood? In that case music is a sort of drug to be taken when needed. Or do you choose music for the adventure of something new, like one might try out new foods?

Dr. E.

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