MUSC 105


Unit 2, Feb. 02-15

Introduction to Unit 2

Unit Objectives

TU Opera

TU Opera

Course Materials (Feb. 3)

LECTURE: “Citations in Journals and Papers” 

player | mp4 | wmv | transcript

Sharps and flats in music. Music Fundamentals 1, Chapter 4.

Practice: Pitches or notes on the staff  link (

Quiz (U2.1) Higher, Lower, and the Same pitch recognition. This quiz may be taken as many times as you like. There are five versions. Quizzes do not count towards your course grade. Quiz link

GUEST LECTURES: MuseScore with Dr. Hess. 1) "MuseScore in Minutes: Setting up your Score” (4 min.) YouTube | Other Link 

2) "MuseScore in Minutes: Basics of Score Writing" (4 min.) | Link | Copy (mp4)

GUEST LECTURES: MuseScore with Katie W.
1) Part 1: Score Set Up (3 min.) YouTube--Not Available | Copy (mp4)
2) Part 2: The MuseScore Screen (2 min.) YouTube--Not Available | Copy (mp4)

Chromatic and diatonic half steps. Music Fundamentals 1, Chapter 5. 

Tutorial on steps and accidentals (

Practice: Pitches with different clefs (teoria website)

Quiz (U2.3) for treble and bass note recognition. This quiz may be taken as many times as you like. There are five versions. Quizzes do not count towards your course grade. Quiz link

Ledger lines review. Music Fundamentals 1, Chapter 1, p. 5.

LECTURE: Ledger Lines (2 min.) player (cc and searchable)mp4 | Windows Media (cc) | transcript

Tutorial on staff, clefs, and ledger lines (

Octave designations by Terry B. Ewell. Music Fundamentals 1, Chapter 6. 

Examples of Pitch Designations

Quiz (U2.1) Pitch with octave numbers. This quiz may be taken as many times as you like. There are five versions. Quizzes do not count towards your course grade. Quiz link

Review Quiz for Test 1. This quiz may be taken as many times as you like (there are five versions). Quizzes do not count towards your course grade. Quiz link

Assignments (Feb. 8)

Journal 1. Use this template

Test 1. Cumulative test on note reading in treble and bass clefs (U2.1-4)

Note Identification. This test has 20 questions, timed at 15 minutes. You may submit this test only once--the first submission will count for your grade. Test 1 link

INFORMATION: Save Test or Exam Results (1 min.) into your Dropbox folder. player | mp4 | webpage

Do all the students take the same Test? Tests are randomized in this course, drawn from a pool of questions. As a result some questions will be different and certainly the questions will be arranged in different order in the tests.

Course Materials (Feb. 9) 

GUEST LECTURES: MuseScore with Dr. Hess. 3) Note Input (4 1/2 min.) Link | Copy (mp4)
5) More input ideas (4 1/2 min.) Link | Copy (mp4)

GUEST LECTURE: MuseScore with Katie W.
3) Note Entry Basics (4 1/2 min.) YouTube | Copy (mp4)

LECTURE: MuseScore Composition 1A Demonstration (14 1/2 min.) player (cc, searchable) | mp4 | wmv (cc) | Transcript

Notice that my choice of musical notes takes into account the chord chart. This is particularly important in the beginnings, endings, and long notes in the melodies.

Help improve the course: Use this anonymous form to suggest improvements to Dr. Ewell. Form link

Assignments (Feb. 15)

Journal 2. (Post 1) Use this template (U2.5)

In this course the assignments called "Posts" or "Reports" require you to observe and comment upon the work of another student. You will be looking at their work in MuseScore and then entering your comments in a MS Word document. To complete "Post 1" you will need to download and save both the template and Susan Brown's composition on your computer. I suggest that you place all assignments in this course in the same folder with the name MUSC105. Once the files are saved, you will open the assignments with the different applications. The template (Journal 2) will be opened with MS Word. The other document (BrownSusan_Comp0.mscz) will be opened with MuseScore.

Susan Brown's Composition, BrownSusan_Comp0.mscz

Here is the chord chart, which you will use to match melody notes with the harmony:

chord chart

Organizing your personal Dropbox folder

Please see this webpage for where to place new files, old files, and screen shots of your tests and exams.

REVIEW LECTURE: Viewing Dr. Ewell's comments on your papers:
Webpage | Video:  player (searchable, cc) | mp4 | wmv 

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Copyright 2018-2024 by Terry B. Ewell.