MUSC 105


Unit 8, May 10-16

Introduction to Unit 8

Unit Objectives

TU Opera

TU Opera

Course Materials (May 10)

GUEST LECTURE: The music theory of triplets (10 min.). Stephen Wiles is British and thus uses British terms for half note (minim), quarter note (crotchet), and eighth note (quaver). The lecture, however, has plenty of graphics with music notation that you will easily understand. Link | flash copy | mp4 copy

LECTURE: Creating Triplets in MuseScore (3 min.) player (cc and searchable) | mp4 | wmv (cc) | transcript

LECTURE: Changing a tempo in MuseScore (1 min.) player | mp4 | wmv

Review Quiz for Composition Assignments. This quiz may be taken as many times as you like. Quizzes do not count towards your course grade. Quiz link

Help improve the course: Use this anonymous form to suggest improvements to Dr. Ewell. Form link

Assignments (May 16)

Composition 3, Final, (U8.1-2)

Complete only one assignment. You may choose either option, whichever you like the best. Complete the saxophone or piccolo part (top line) in measures where the second line instrument doesn't play. You are required to include triplets in your reply, to best imitate the second line instrument.

Use the chord chart

Save the composition with proper file label: LastnameFirstname_Comp3, for example: “EwellTerry_Comp3.mscz” Upload to your Personal DropBox.

Files for Composition 3 (Right click to download projects).

"Cambalache" This composition starts in D major, but ends in A major. Make sure that you use the correct note at the end (tonic of A major). The call is presented by the trumpet and the response (your instrument) will be the piccolo. Mainly write for the piccolo in the staff and above the staff--not below. Piccolos do not generally play below the treble staff.

"Uno tango" The accordion (second line down) is the call, the instrument that you will imitate. Write the notes in the top line, saxophone. This composition is originally much faster, at a tempo of 150. I have set it at 120, so it is easier to follow. However, for fun, when you are done, set the tempo back to 150!

Student Survey (2 % of the Course Grade) Survey Link

Complete the survey at the end of the course. This is a simple four-question survey through Google Docs. If you wish an alternative method of completing the survey, please contact Dr. Ewell.

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