TU Men's Choir
Catherine Schmidt-Jones. Rhythmic Study: Introduction to Subdivisions in Simple Meters. Music Fundamentals 2, Chapter 6. Terry B. Ewell Simple and Compound Time Signatures. Music Fundamentals 2, Chapter 7. |
Catherine Schmidt-Jones. Meter in Music. Music Fundamentals 2, Chapter 8. LECTURE: Meter in Music (9 min.) player (searchable with cc) | mp4 | transcript | summary (pdf) | This video further explains the reading on meter in music above. Pick up notes: Music Fundamentals 2, Chapter 10. |
Beat Unit (teoria.com) Measures and Time Signatures
(musictheory.net) |
Simple/Compound meters (musictheory.net) Simple/Compound meters (teoria.com) Terry B. Ewell. Rhythmic Study: Introduction to Subdivisions in Compound Meters. Music Fundamentals 2, Chapter 9. The distinction between simple and compound is confusing initially for music majors. No doubt you are finding this confusing as well. One of the simplest ways to master this is to list the time signatures by categories: number of beats, simple/compound. Having this material in front of you will help you with the next two quizzes. |
Tempo Defined by the BBC. |
Review Quiz (U6.3) Meter and Time Signatures. You may take quizzes as many times as you like (there are three versions). These are not for grades. |
LECTURE: Interval numbers, simple (major scale) intervals, and interval qualities. player (searchable with cc) | mp4 | wmv (with cc) | transcript |
Major, Minor, and Perfect Intervals. Music Fundamentals 4, Chapter 1. |
Optional Practice:
Music majors would be able to complete tasks on the above websites rapidly and accurately as part of their studies in music. They are tested on all interval qualities. |
Review Quiz (U6.3) Interval Numbers. You may take quizzes as many times as you like (there are three versions). These are not for grades. Review Quiz (U6.3) Major Scale Intervals. You may take quizzes as many times as you like (there are three versions). These are not for grades. Quickly Recognizing Simple (Major Scale) Intervals. Music Fundamentals 4, Chapter 2.You will be tested on your ability to recognize intervals found in a major scale. |
Quiz for Test 4. This quiz may be taken as
many times as you like. Quizzes do not count towards your course grade.
Quiz link
More practice with intervals. link |
Help improve the course: Use this anonymous form to suggest improvements to Dr. Ewell. Form link |
Journal 9. Use this template. Test 4 on Intervals (U6.3) A cumulative test on intervals. This test has 20 questions, timed at 15 minutes. You may submit this test only once--the first submission will count for your grade.. |
LECTURE: Consonance
and Dissonance (and Simple Rules for Melodies) (7 1/2 min.) player (searchable, cc) | mp4 | wmv (cc) | transcript (pdf) The five simple rules: 1) The longest note values are consonant 2) The first and last notes (of phrases) are consonant 3) Melodies mix steps and skips 4) Melodies are easily sung 5) Dissonances are anchored to consonances by a step before or after the dissonant note. |
Consonance and Dissonance. Music Fundamentals 4, Chapter 3. |
REVIEW, Quiz for Composition Assignments. This quiz may be taken as many times as you like. Quizzes do not count towards your course grade. Quiz link |
Composition 2 (U6.5) Files for Composition 2 (Right click to download) Group 1 project (BbM) | chord chart Group 2 project (DM) | chord chart Group 3 project (BbM) | chord chart Group 4 project (DM) | chord chart Group 5 project (DM) | chord chart Supply the saxophone part in the sections where the trumpet is not playing. You can start immediately on the third beat in m. 5, if desired. The saxophone part will sound best if kept within the treble staff, although you may go above it briefly. Use single notes only. Don't go below E4. Save the composition with proper file label: LastnameFirstname_Comp2, for example: “EwellTerry_Comp2.mscz” Upload to your group DropBox. |
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