Print Screen or Screen Capture |
In this course you are required to forward the results of your tests and exams by a screen capture.
now has an automatic screen capture feature. For PCs simply press the
print screen button and it will be saved in the "Screenshots" folder.
Then move the file to your personal folder, the file named
"Screen_Captures_Tests_Only" and rename
PC users can press the Print screen key and then paste it into MS Word or a graphics program.
Print screen(often abbreviated) Prt Scr, Print Scrn, Prt Scn, or Prnt Scrn) is a key present on most PC keyboards. [1]
Figure 1. Portion of IBM keyboard. The print screen key is circled in red. [2]
In addition to the Grab application, you can also use
keyboard shortcuts to take pictures of the screen in Mac OS X.
To take a picture of the whole screen, press Command-Shift-3.
To take a picture of part of the screen, press Command-Shift-4 and drag
to select the area you want.
For more information see link
To copy the screen capture to the Clipboard instead of saving
it as a file, press Control-Command-Shift-3 to copy the entire screen
to the Clipboard, or Control-Command-Shift-4 to copy the selected range
to the Clipboard.[3]
Acknowledgement for book graphic in the body of the document: Image courtesy of adamr at
[1] "Print Screen." 22 Apr. 12)
[2] IBM keyboard.
(accessed 22 Apr. 12)
[3] Mac. 22 Apr. 12)
header graphic from:
Copyright 2012-2019 by Terry B. Ewell and Luis C. Engelke. All Rights