MUSC 355


Module 3 Orientation to Group Projects and Research

Units 4-5, Sep. 11-24

See the Introduction in each Segment. You may listen to the video or read the pdf file.


Towson University Campus
Towson University Campus

Group Assignments

Groups 1, 3, and 5 are assigned Segment 2. Groups 2 and 4 are assigned Segment 3.

Choose one additional segment to study on your own. (Total of two segments)

What Dropbox group am I in? Which is my group and personal folder? link

Groups provide research for the Ethical Dilemma Paper in their group Dropbox folder.

Participate in an online group discussion on Dropbox and by email about the assignment. Your participation will be graded as part of the assignment.

Students may share work and correspondence via their group Dropbox, by email, or other methods. 

Email addresses will be placed in the group Dropbox folder. Email all of those on the list including Dr. Ewell (

Group members may divide up the tasks for research. Each group will be responsible for how tasks are assigned, how communication takes place, and ensuring the quality of the group's research. For instance, for this assignment your group could divide the research up based on the acronym ETHIC. See the next box below. Group leaders are rewarded in the group participation grade.

This is the first of three times your group will be conducting research together during this class. Be sure to label the files with your contribution in Dropbox with your last name and then the subject. For example, Ewell_Napster_Copyright.docx. This will help your group members and me to more quickly assess your contributions.

For group assignments please see this template: 
The Ethical Dilemma draft is in Journal 5, which contains instructions and the grading rubric. Each student submits their own journal, which makes use of the research from the group. Edit papers in this course only with MS Word.

Getting the Most Out of Your Group Research

There are several important aspects of your group research that you will not be able to duplicate on your own. Each of you brings important life experiences and insights that are unique and can inform the research of the group and the outcome of the papers in the course.

Use this acronym to guide your group and personal research: ETHIC link

Example of Group Failure

Learn from the issues with this group.  mp4 | wmv

Information on Print Publications

Print Publications link


Quiz for Dilemma Group Work and Print Publications Quiz link


SEGMENT 1: Ethics Regarding Drugs and Performance Enhancement

LECTURE: (Prof. Engelke) Ethics Regarding Drugs and Performance Enhancement (5 min.) player | mp4 | transcript pdf

Examples of citations to use in the journals.
  • Full: Engelke, Luis C.. "Ethics Regarding Drugs and Performance Enhancement." Video for MUSC 355.
  • In Text: (Engelke, "Ethics Regarding Drugs.")
"The Ethics and Legality of Beta Blockers for Performance Anxiety: What Every Educator Should Know" by Engelke and Ewell (College Music Symposium, August 2012) pdf

McClain Interview Part 1 (11 min.) player | mp4 (no closed captions and searchable text) | transcript

McClain Interview Part 2 (7 min.) playermp4 (no closed captions and searchable text) | transcript

"The Effect of Beta Blockade on Stage Fright" by Charles and Thomas Brantigan, Neil Joseph; "Discussion" by Clarke Godfrey pdf. Thomas Brantigan is a graduate from the Peabody Institute of Music (Baltimore) on organ. He was one of the first musicians to publish on his experiences using Beta Blockers as a remedy for performance anxiety. He has continued a professional career as a church musician in Towson, Maryland.

Closely Read One of These Articles. Give a Quick Overview to the Others.

  • “Beta Blockade and Stage Fright, Looking Back” by Thomas A. Brantigan and Charles O. Brantigan (pp. 20-22) pdf
  • "An Interview with Thomas A. Brantigan: Beta Blockers and Musicians – A Thirty-Year Retrospective" weblink
  • "Nootropic Brain Drugs Rise in Popularity for Today’s Cutthroat Corporate Climbers" by Jack Smith IV weblink | pdf
  • "Towards responsible use of cognitive-enhancing drugs by the healthy" weblink | pdf


Quiz for Segment 1 Quiz link


SEGMENT 2. Freedom of Expression vs. Morality

LECTURE: (Prof. Engelke) Freedom of Expression vs. Morality (5 min.) player | mp4  | transcript pdf

Wagner in Israel website | pdf

Addendum: " Trying to enjoy Wagner, guilt-free, and mostly succeeding" weblink | pdf

Barnet, Chapter 10 from Controversies of the Music Industry, "Freedom of Expression: Filth or Freedom." Course readings are available on the course Blackboard site. Backup copy
Barnet, Chapter 9 from Controversies of the Music Industry, "Pop Goes to Court," (Ozzy Osborne: forced to defend his lyrics after three suicides). Course readings are available on the course Blackboard site. Backup copy
Barnet, Chapter 5 from Controversies of the Music Industry, "Messages of Death: Satanic Messages, the Promotion of Evil, and Rock Music." Course readings are available on the course Blackboard site. Backup copy

Please note that on page 94 the term "backward masking" should be "backmasking."

Related to issues in music, video games (which include music!) and their causal effects on behavior are also under debate. Many of the readings presented in this entry also inform the issue: Wikipedia. Please read these sections:


Recent research on brain plasticity, however, demonstrates strong effects of repeated viewing of Internet pornography (often connected with music).

GUEST LECTURE: Your Brain on Porn (2015) link | Copy of the 1st 20 min.: Player | mp4. This video is over one hour long. Please review at least the first 20 min.


LECTURE: "Morality and Music" (14 min.) player (searchable, cc) | mp4 | wmv (cc)

Terry B. Ewell, “What is Christian in Music,” (1998). Republished in EthnoDoxology 1/1 (2002): 11-16. weblink | pdf


Quiz for Segment 2 Quiz link


SEGMENT 3. Other Issues: Payola and Publicity, Racism and Sexism in Music


Payola and Publicity (Introduction)

LECTURE: (Prof. Engelke) Payola and Publicity (5 min.) player | mp4 | transcript pdf
Optional Reading (Page limit reached, not allowed to post on E-Reserves)

Blair Tindall’s Mozart in the Jungle (Chapter 16: Beggar’s Opera, p. 205-220)

Radio Poyola (1950s) weblink | pdf

"The Payola scandal heats up" (1960) weblink | pdf 

Fanfare Email to Dr. Engelke requesting payment for a publication. pdf
Using Social Media Bots to boost Facebook and Twitter followers. Musicians who have paid for this: Josh Cuthberg, Mikel Jollett, Lucas Hoge. Many celebraties including Ray Lewis have paid for this. weblink | text, but interractive features don't work.

Issues of Groupings by Race or Gender

Racism and Sexism (Introduction)

LECTURE: (Prof. Engelke) Racism and Sexism (5 min.) player | mp4wmv
| transcript pdf

Racism, Segregation, or Expressions of Cultural Identity

  • Multi Grammy winner Barbara Streisand sings Hello, Dolly with Louis Armstrong in the 1969 classic American film (YouTube no longer available) | copy mp4 
  • Black Philadelphia Local of the American Federation of Musicians weblink | pdf
  • Origins of the Big Band by Thomas. weblink | pdf
  • Chapter 8 from Controversies of the Music Industry (Black and White Separation in Music: Marketing or Racism?). Course readings are available on the course Blackboard site.  Back up Copy
  • The Special Characteristics of the Vienna Philharmonic’s Racial Ideology weblink | copy pdf
  • "The Image of Purity" weblink | copy pdf
Present Day
  • Alvin Ailey Dance Company weblink | Picture of Website
  • BTS-K-Pop Band controversy in the 2017 Billboard Music Awards weblink | pdf
  • "White Monkeys" in China weblink | pdf
  • Performance of "Butterfly Lovers" by Chinese Orchestra. This is one of the most famous compositions in China. (10 min.) You do not need to view the entire video, however, observe the personnel of the ensemble. Youtube | copy (mp4)

Sexism or Expressions of Gender

Barnet, Chapter 6 from Controversies of the Music Industry, "The Glass Ceiling: Women in the Music Industry." Course readings are available on the course Blackboard site. Back up Copy

"Women well-suited for the Vienna Philharmonic" YouTube | copy playermp4

The Girl Bands of WW2
Present Day

Reconsider the all boy BTS-K-Pop Band presented above. No doubt you can supply numerous gender segregated music ensembles also to consider.
Bruno Mars' '24K Magic' won the 2018 record of the year Grammy Award. How does this video advance the narrative in 2018 about the portrayal of men and women? What about the relationship to #MeTo? Youtube |copy: player | mp4


Quiz for Segment 3 Quiz link


LECTURE: Introduction to Research Papers (7 min.)  player (cc and searchable) | mp4 | wmv (cc)| transcript
Helpful Hints for the Dilemma Paper

Sample Dilemma Paper with title, introduction, outline, and citations

Help improve the course: Use this anonymous form to suggest improvements to Dr. Ewell. Form link

Assignments (Sep. 17)

Journal 3 with Screencasting presentation.
Groups 1, 3, and 5
use this template
Groups 2 and 4 use this template

LECTURE: Creating a Screencast for your Journal 3 using software of your choice. This includes a demonstration of a presentation. Please note that the content is different than your presentation in Journal 3, but the method for the presentation is the same. (5 min.) player | mp4 | wmv

Seek to make your presentation more interesting with graphics, music, etc., similar to my other videos for the course.

Screencasting Software (download required)

Screencasting Software: Choose one of the screencasting software below or use another application of your choice.


ScreenPal (Free version $0, Educational price: Solo Deluxe $24 a year, other plans more expensive)

This is my new Fall 2024 software for quick screencasting Link. The free version will record the screen, microphone sound, and allow for video editing with excellent features such as overlays of arrows, text, and inserted graphics. Files are saved as mp4. Download the free plan and then upgrade for an educational discount if desired. The Solo Deluxe allows for computer audio and better options for saving files.


No longer available? Screencast-o-matic (Free version $0, Deluxe $18 a year, Premier $60 a year)

This software allows for saving videos on your computer and other places Link. Be sure to review these tutorials. Compare the features of the various versions here. The Deluxe version would be adequate for this course. If you choose the free version, you will need to use another software (such as iMovie) for editing the videos.

Camtasia (?? days free trial, educational price over $200)

This is the softwarethat Dr. Ewell used prior to 2024 for his screencasting. Now it is too expensive! However, it is the "flagship" software for screencasting and is the best in class. 

Icecream Screen Recorder (free trial, pro version $29.95)

This software has been successfully used by a student in one of Dr. Ewell's courses. Dr. Ewell has not tested this version. The free version has a five minute limit and does not allow for saving in mp4 or mov format. The pro version allows for saving in mp4 or mov format.

Group Research Completed

This is the research (citations, ideas, arguments) developed by the group for the Dilemma paper. (M3.2)

Exam 1A.  This exam is on the assigned segment for your group. Remember to submit the screen capture of the results to your personal Dropbox folder.

Take the exam for only one Segment here.  Links: Segment 1 | Segment 2 | Segment 3

REVIEW INFORMATION: Save Test or Exam Results (1 min.) into your Dropbox folder. player | mp4 | webpage

Please note that all tests/exams are "open book." You may refer to any materials available for the course. Tests are timed, however, and may be taken only once. If you have a problem taking a test please contact me right away.

Why doesn't the test or exam cover all of the assigned readings? These online tests/exams area quick "spot checks" of items in the readings. Requiring online tests/exams that would take 30-60 minutes to complete could add to student frustration with broken Internet connections and difficulties with staring at a computer screen for long periods of time. I have decided to spare you from that!

Although all of the required readings and viewings are not tested, these materials are important for assignments later in the course. Well prepared students in this course look ahead for required topics in the course papers and take careful notes as the readings occur that address their particular assigned issues.

All tests and exams in this course may be taken only once.

REMEMBER for user name give your full name.

REVIEW LECTURE: Save Test or Exam Results (2 min.) into your Dropbox folder. player | mp4 | wmv | webpage

Sample Dilemma Outline Paper

Sample Dilemma Outline Paper with introduction, outline, and citations

Assignments (Sep. 24)

Journal 4. Use this template

Exam 1B. (M3.1) This examination is on the segment of your choice.

Take the exam for only one Segment here. Do not duplicate the same segment you did in Exam 1A.  Links: Segment 1 | Segment 2 | Segment 3

REVIEW LECTURE: Save Test or Exam Results (1 min.) into your Dropbox folder. player | mp4 | webpage

Print Screen or Screen Capture

Please note that all tests/exams are "open book." You may refer to any materials available for the course. Tests are timed, however, and may be taken only once. If you have a problem taking a test please contact me right away.

Please note that the grade you receive from the computerized test is not necessarily your final grade for the test. Often I revise the grades upward.

Why doesn't the test or exam cover all of the assigned reading? These online tests/exams area quick "spot checks" of items in the readings. Requiring online tests/exams that would take 30-60 minutes to complete could add to student frustration with broken Internet connections and difficulties with staring at a computer screen for long periods of time. I have decided to spare you from that!

Although all of the required readings and viewings are not tested, these materials are important for assignments later in the course. Well prepared students in this course look ahead for required topics in the course papers and take careful notes as the readings occur that address their particular assigned issues.

All tests and exams in this course may be taken only once.

REMEMBER for user name give: Last name, First name

Need to review how to take a Test or Exam?

Print Screen or Screen Capture


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Copyright 2012-2024 by Terry B. Ewell. All Rights Reserved