Academic Services and Support | Tutoring and Learning Center
Start Up Page
Dr. Ewell Introduces Himself (4 min.) player (cc and searchable) | mp4 | transcript
Introduction to Courses (5 1/2 min.) player (cc and searchable) | mp4 | transcript
Academic Writing (6 min.) player (cc and searchable) | mp4 | transcript
General Website Layout (4 min.) player (cc and searchable) | mp4 | wmv | transcript
Introduction to the Syllabus (13 min.) player | mp4 | wmv
Policy for
statement |
Keys to Success & Online Course Requirements |
Video Fundamentals |
Introduction to quizzes, tests, and exams |
Successful Coursework |
Print Screen or Screen Capture |
Word Processing: Microsoft Word
(required). The online version of Microsoft Word will not work. You
must install it on your computer. TU students can get free versions of
this software.
Two video players.
Screencasting Software: This will be downloaded later in the course.
Acknowledgements for graphics in the body of the document:
computer and figure: Image courtesy of Stuart Miles at; key and lock: Image courtesy of phanlop88 at; video camera: Image courtesy of renjith krishnan at; quiz: Image courtesy of Stuart Miles at; book and glasses: Image courtesy of pannawat at; and computer screen: Image courtesy of adamr at
header graphic from:
Copyright 2012-2024 by Terry B. Ewell and Luis C. Engelke. All Rights