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Bibliographies are important for several reasons. Reading the ideas of others will help to educate you about a topic. In addition, by creating a bibliograpy in a paper you acknowledge the work of others. Print items are identified below.
Kelsey Ables, “Melania Trump calls Vogue ‘biased’ for not putting her on the cover,” The Washington Post, (May 14, 2022). Accessed, 2022 May 16 https://www.washingtonpost.com/lifestyle/2022/05/14/melania-trump-vogue-magazine/. Print.
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Barnet, Richard D. and Larry L. Burriss. Controversies of
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Gardner, Howard. Multiple Intelligences: The Theory in
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August 2012. Link no longer available. http://www.artsatl.com/2012/08/atlanta-symphony-forced-pantomime-pre-recorded-tracks-sunday%E2%80%99s-il-divo-concert/.
Hammon, Jamie. “Beta Blockers: Interview with Katherine
Needleman,” Intern Edition. Link no longer available. http://www.npr.org/about/nextgen/internedition/sum06/docs/transcripts/betablockers.pdf.
Harby, Karla, Katherin Kucharski, Sarah Tuck, and Julia Vasquez.
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Musicians,” A
Report by the beta blocker study committee of Flute. http://www.ethanwiner.com/BetaBlox.html.
Hastings, Bob. “Opening ceremony orchestra is
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2002. http://www.independent.co.uk/sport/olympics/opening-ceremony-orchestra-is-silenced-7814799.html. Academic.
Hess, Mike. “Milli Vanilli, the Real Story -- 20 Years
Later.” Huffpost Celebrity, 29 January 2010, Link no longer
available. http://www.popeater.com/2010/01/29/milli-vanilli-fab-morvan-grammy/.
International Conference of Symphony and Opera Musicians. Code of
Ethical Audition Practices. http://www.icsom.org/handbook/handbook13d.html.
Jesse, J. The Music Copyright Manual: the Definitive Guide
to Music Copyright Law in the Digital Age. Lawrence, KS:
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Labuta, Joseph A. and Doborah A. Smith. Music Education:
Historical Contexts and Perspectives. Upper Saddle River,
NJ: Prentice Hall, 1997. Academic.
Lancaster Symphony Orchestra vs. The Greater Lancaster Federation of
Musicians, Local 294, AFM, AFL-CIO. Case 4-RC-21311. Philadelphia:
National Labor Relations Board Region Four, 2007.
Lebrecht, Norman. “Eleven worst-hit US Orchestras.”
artsJournal http://www.artsjournal.com/slippeddisc/2011/05/11-worst-hit-us-orchestras.html.
Lessig, L. Free Culture: How Big Media Uses Technology and
the Law to Lock Down Culture and Control Creativity. New
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"LimeWire shut down by federal court." The Guardia, 27
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Mangrum, R. Collin. "Shall We Sing? Shall We Sing Religious Music in
Public Schools?" Creighton Law Review,
38/4 (July 1, 2005): 815-870. Academic. weblink | pdf
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work.” The Independent, 31 May 2012, http://www.independent.co.uk/arts-entertainment/classical/news/israeli-orchestra-strikes-note-of-controversy-with-wagner-work-7804991.html. Academic.
Menn, J. All the rave: the rise and fall of Shawn
Fanning’s Napster. New York: Crown Business, 2003. Academic.
Meyer, Leonard. B. Emotion and Meaning in Music.
The University of Chicago Press, 1956. Moser, David J. Moser on Music
Copyright. Boston: Thomson Course Technology, 2006. Academic.
Moser, David J. Moser on Music Copyright. Boston:
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Deal." Chicago Tribune, 15
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Osborne, William. “The Image of Purity.” Accessed
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Parry, Marc. “Supreme Court Takes Up Scholars’
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Patterson, Thomas E. “A Tale of Two Elections: CBS and Fox
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Rahn, John. Perspectives on Musical Aesthetics.
New York: W. W. Norton & Company, 1995. Academic.
Rampell, Catherine. "To Catch a Song Thief: Inside the Anti-Pirate
Patrol." The Chronicle of Higher Education. 23
May 2008: A11, Academic.
Reimer, Bennett. A Philosophy of Music Education,
2nd Edition. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall, 1988. Academic.
Shear, Nancy. “Interview with Lorin Maazel.” League
American Orchestras. nd, Accessed 23 August, 2012. lLink no longer
available. www.americanorchestras.org/symphony_magazine/interview_with_lorin_maazel.html.
Slomka, Jacquelyn. “Playing with Propranolol.”
Hastings Center Report 22, no. 4 (July-August, 1992), 13-17. http://www.jstor.org/pss/3563017.
Stabler, David. “Surviving the cut.” Oregon Live.
29 January 2012.www.oregonlive.com/performance/index.ssf/2012/01/the_survival_of_the_flutist.html.
Straight Dope Advisory Board. “What's the story on the radio
payola scandal of the 1950s?.” The Straight Dope. 31 August
Southall, Brian. Pop Goes to Court. New York:
Omnibus Press, 2008. Academic.
Teachout, Terry. Pops. New York: Houghton Mifflin
Harcourt Publishing Company, 2009. Academic.
Thomas, Rob. “The Origins of Big Band Music.” 1994.redhotjazz.com/bigband.html.
Tindall, Blair. Mozart in the Jungle. New York:
Atlantic Monthly Press, 2005. Academic.
“The Use of Beta Blockers by ICSOM Musicians,” Senza Sordino 25, no. 6 (1987): 4. www.icsom.org/archive/senza/allsenzas/senza256.pdf. Academic.
Todd, Ben. “Pop 'descending into pornography' says songwriter
launched Kylie Minogue's music Career.” Mail Online. 7 June
Jane Torrance, “Russian musicians don’t deserve cancellation for Putin’s crimes,”
New York Post (March 4, 2022). Accessed 2022 May 16, https://nypost.com/2022/03/04/russian-musicians-dont-deserve-cancellation-for-putins-crimes/. Academic.
Townsend, Brian. “Classical Music With a Pop
Sensibility.” The Music Salon. 12 August, 2011.
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"The Shazam Effect." The Atlantic, December
2014. www.theatlantic.com/magazine/archive/2014/12/the-shazam-effect/382237/. Academic.
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CBC News. 19 December 2009. www.cbc.ca/news/arts/music/story/2009/12/19/symphony-olympics.html.
Wakin, Daniel J. “The Juilliard Effect: Ten Years
Later,” The New York Times. 12 December
2004. www.nytimes.com/2004/12/12/arts/music/12waki.html. Academic.
Wakin, Daniel J. “Titans Clash Over a Mere
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identified: Grin Verlag Ohg. Academic.
Wilson?, Gary. “The Great Porn Experiment,” TedX
talk (submitted 2013).
Transcript: yourbrainonporn.com/great-porn-experiment-transcript
Additional online resources for copyright
• Columbia University, http://www.copyright.columbia.edu/
• University of Texas, http://www.lib.utsystem.edu/copyright/index.html
• Stanford University, http://fairuse.stanford.edu/index.html
Additional online sites for music technology and projects
Archive. org <http://www.archive.org>
Ccmixter.org. <http://ccmixter.org>
Classical MIDI Collection <http://www.classicalmidiconnection.com/cmc/>
Creative Commons Music Content Directory
Envl.net (free; Web) <http://envl.net>
The Freesound Project <http://freesound.iua.upf.edu>
Indabamusic <http://www.indabamusic.com/>
JamStudio.com (free; Web) <http://www.jamstudio.com>
MIDI World <http://www.midiworld.com/midifile.htm>
Reaper (free trial version; PC, Mac, Linux) <http://www.reaper.fm/>
Second Life <http://secondlife.com/music>
Youtube <http://www.youtube.com>
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Copyright 2012-2023 by Terry B. Ewell and Luis C. Engelke. All Rights