MUSC 114    


iPhone Unit 4, Student Reflections

Dec. 1-14

Unit Objective

Recording Studio

Department of Music Recording Studio


iPhoneMaterials (Dec. 1)

Use materials from prior units.

iPhoneAssignments (Dec. 7)

Journal 9 (Final part 1). Use this template


Viewing Dr. Ewell's comments on your papers:

Webpage | Video:  player (searchable, cc) | mp4 | wmv

Organizating your personal Dropbox folder

Please see this webpage for where to place new files, old files, and screen shots of your tests and exams.

iPhoneAssignments (Dec. 14)

Screen Capture Presentation 4 (Final part 2) (O4)

Engage in a critical assessment of how your own experience with music has been affected by 19th, 20th, or 21st century technologies.

Trouble pronouncing musical names and musicians' names? Please see: Pronouncing Dictionary of Music and Musicians

Required Report: Download, complete, and return this MS Word Document


Viewing Dr. Ewell's comments on your papers:

Webpage | Video:  player (searchable, cc) | mp4 | wmv

Organizating your personal Dropbox folder

Please see this webpage for where to place new files, old files, and screen shots of your tests and exams.

Header graphics from: File:Tour_Eiffel_Wikimedia_Commons.jpg,Space Needle By Jordon Kalilich - Own work, CC BY-SA 3.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=17185591; Space Needle button from kissclipart-seattle-clipart-space-needle-clip-art-6de04b7cb20d6f2d.jpg, iPhone 11 from https://bgr.com/2019/08/26/iphone-11-release-date-and-price-soon-photo-leaks-wrong/

Copyright © 2021-23 by Terry B. Ewell