MUSC 114    



Further Ideas for Backing up Files:

External Drives

Don't lose your data; remember the Rule of Two! Consider backing up to external drives. External drives are more secure from hacking than cloud storage.

External Hard Drives

I make use of external hard drives such as these to back up all of my files. Even the very large video files can be backed up on these drives.

External Hard Drives

In addition, I store my external hard drives in a different location and in a Faraday Box, which is a metal container (made for Chinese Moon Cakes). This further insures the safety of my data.

Faraday Box

Thumb Drives

Thumb Drives such as these are a cheap and convinient way to back up smaller files such as Word documents, and pictures.

Thumb Drive


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Copyright 2020 by Terry B. Ewell.