A patent is extended to an novel invention such as the ErgoPost (patent no: US 7,566825 B2, July 28, 2009). The ErgoPost was patented by Dr. Terry Ewell and a colleague, Richard Spencer, with the United States Patent & Trademark Office after a lengthy (and expensive) process. Here is one of the figures in the application:

ErgoPost Figure

Here is a picture of the device:


The ErgoPost is a device that mounts on the bassoon, the instrument performed by Dr. Ewell. Here the device is shown on the instrument holding up the hand.

Ergopost on Bassoon

Below is the trademark for Ergopost. A trademark is a symbol of the product. Notice the "TM" on the figure:


Further reading (not required): the patent for ErgoPost with the United States Patent & Trademark Office website. ErgoPost website.