Welcome we continue in our recording of the demo of composition 4 and in this video I will be recording the voice over the rhythmic track I made in the prior video.
I want you to know that there are some important principles that you will see in working in a Audacity in this video. For instance,  I will be completing the A section of my composition. I'm not going to put all sections of the composition and all my work in the same Audacity file. Audacity doesn't lend itself well to having lots of tracks and lots of complexities, so it's better to break up your composition into smaller segments and then re-group those segments at a later time.
OK, first off, you need to save your project and as you can see I have already saved mine as composition 4_2Voice. This is the second step so I gave it a 2 and then I also gave a unique name here. Later I will be saving, of course, the audio files that result from this.
The next very important thing is that you click and start monitoring your microphone to see that indeed we're getting a record level for it. Now, if I were to start recording right away I would not be able to see the track that the microphone is on, so I am going to reduce these tracks. I can still see them just fine, but reduce them down so when I start recording, it will put the voice in.
Let me bring up my text here. What I am “toying around with” is having the music fade in, in the beginning. I haven’t made a full decision on this. But what I am going to record my voice part over the repeated section that I have already made. So it is going to come in at this point.
OK, I have in my ear buds now so that when this is playing, and I am recording voice, I am not re-recording the background rhythmic pattern over the voice that I want to add. So, let’s go ahead and try that.
I missed my section coming in. I am going to start it a bit earlier here. I need to get a feel for where I want to enter here. OK, let’s try that again.
Here come the men in black
It's the MiB's, uh, here come's …AAH  terrible, terrible
OK, I didn’t do well on that. Let’s get rid of that again. Let’s try that again.
Here come the men in black
It's the MiB's, uh, here come's the MiB's
Here come the men in black, men in black
Alright, well. That was OK. Obviously I would have like it to be better than that. But for the purposes of our demonstration that will be just fine. OK, let me hear how that sounds.

OK, well. It is not the most inspired reading, of course. Alright, so now we need to work on the voice track. We need to go to Tracks. The first thing I need to do is select this track. We need to go to Tracks ->Stereo to Mono. Then we need to go to Edit and Duplicate the track. We can even change the name here so that I understand what it is. This is Reverb, just so I know what it is. So we have the Audio Track and Reverb, you could call it Voice track. OK.
Now in my Reverb track only, I have to click on that, I go to Effect I go to Reverb and click OK on that. Now let me enlarge these tracks so I can see what is going on here. Let me just solo these two lines. Let’s hear how the mix is for these.

Well, two things. First off it is too loud so obviously both of these are going to have to go down a bit. I have too much echo there. I am going to pull this one down. I pull this down 1. Let’s try that again.

That is too much still. I pull this down a little bit more. This down a little bit more here. Let’s try that again.

OK, good. So I don’t like the breathing in the beginning so I am going to use the envelope tool to get rid of the sound of that. I should have been smart and done that earlier before I made the copy here. Let’s see if that gets rid of the breathing part here. Click the whole track to play it. Click this too.

Much better.

OK, so that is pretty good. It has the balance and things that I want with that.
OK, so now let me work on these other tracks here and make sure I have what I need there. I will get rid of the solos here. I am going to keep the voice in the center and pan these other parts in different locations. Let’s not go hard left, let’s go a little over here. Let’s pan this other one a little bit over there. I suspect that these are going to be a little loud so I am going to pull down the gain. Let’s see what I have now. OK, let’s get back to the cursor. Let’s see what I now have here.
OK, the reading is obviously pretty stilted. Let me start this again. Maybe I need to have it…
OK, so the volume is pretty good between all of these parts. The trimming of the A section I will take care of at a later time. You will see how I work this this as a single file. I will put all of these tracks together to be more efficient.
OK, so I have done my steps here. I have my voice recorded, I have made sure that it aligns properly and sounds like it is in time. I have done my mixing. Now it is time for me to save my work. I will Save Project As. First I save it as an Audacity file. This was the original name. I am just going to add a 2 after that to save my second version.
Now I am going to export the audio. Of course I want a wave file. I will put it in my sound file location. It is Comp4_2_Voice2.wav. That is my “A” section. It is mixed down to two stereo tracks. That is great. I don’ t need to enter that.
OK, that is the finishing of my A section. I will be moving on to the next video now.