Well, we are getting ready to start putting together our Composition number 4. Again I want to emphasize that careful planning in the beginning will save you a lot of time and frustration. So, by now you have already watched the video on setting tempo.
I have determined that I will use a tempo of 80 because I am doing this
Men in Black section. And then I have thought through the text, the
poetry, and I have already decided about what I am going to do. The
Section A, the first section, is going to be my rhythmic section. I have
the emphasized text “Here come the Men in Black.” So I have already
figured out that this will be at the tempo 80. I have also selected some
music I am going to have in addition to my percussive rhythmic back
ground. Later I will be showing you how to put all of that together.
Now, you need to have a contrasting section. I will have a section B
that is not in tempo. I am going to have some spooky music, not something
that is rhythmic. I am going to speak this text over that section. Then I
am going back to A again and wrap it up with this rhythmic music and then
fade out with a Coda and my alien alarm. So again, I have thought through
which sound files I will be using in this.
So now in terms of sound files in this class we will be going to
Freesound.org. You can just paste the link into your web browser. I have
pasted one of the links there.
Now in order to download you will need to register with Freesound. So be
sure to register and have your password so that you can download your
file. Once you are in Freesound you can search for sounds. We will use
that later. Here, for instance, is my spooky atmosphere sound. Let’s hear
if I like that.
Oh, yes, very nice! I will be definitely using that. So log in and
download. I remind you, the best method of planning is to put all of your
files for each project in its own directory. So for this project I will
have a composition 4 directory. I will have my sound files there, I have
my text and poetry there, I have my planning files, and eventually my
report will be there and all of the files I need for this project. So that
is the good, first step you need to make for this composition 4.