So far you have seen examples of scale degrees in C major. However, each different scale has scale degrees as well.

Shortly in the course you will be learning about the major scales and key signatures. The concept you need to learn here, however, is that the order of the scale degrees transfers to each scale. For instance, in C major the scale degrees start: Tonic (C), Supertonic (D), Mediant (E)... In Bb major the scale degrees are in the same order, but they start on Bb, which is the first scale degree of Bb major: Tonic (Bb), Supertonic (C), Mediant (D)...

Compare the tonic and dominant scale degrees for Bb major with D major:

Bb Majro

Bb Major scale with the tonic and dominant labelled.

D Major Scale

D Major scale with the tonic and dominant labelled.

So in summary, the note name of the scale is always tonic. The other scale degrees follow in the order of notes in the scale.

Although it is important for you to know all the names of the scale degrees, two of the scale degrees will be emphasized in this course because of their importance in tonal music. Those two scale degrees are Tonic and Dominant. Be certain you can recognize these scale degrees quickly.